2. Ultrasolar 50 by Devita Professional Skin Care
Ultrasolar 50 and I found each other in 2008. Three factors led up to our fated meeting: I turned 30, moved to Arizona, and began hiking.
During my stint in Phoenix, I worked in a multidisciplinary integrative medicine clinic, and often counseled patients about the risks and benefits of sun exposure. Although, Arizona has the highest incidence of skin cancer in this country, it also has a rising incidence of vitamin D deficiency. These statistics created a controversy between dermatologists with interest in skin health and holistic health experts with interest in vitamin D status, which in turn created confusion in the general public as to how much sun exposure is good and how much is detrimental. (My recommendation - always wear protective clothing, sunglasses and safe sunscreen when spending in excess of 20 minutes in the sun; get 25 hydroxy vitamin D level tested; and if deficient see a licensed healthcare provider to discuss supplementation with vitamin D3).
However, I couldn't find a sunscreen product that I would be willing to put on my fair skin or whole-heartedly recommend to patients. (Anything that one puts on their skin (think scary oxybenzone) or inhales (think strong scented sunscreen) ends up in the bloodstream, as if you one had ingested it.) After a recommendation from a friend and colleague, I found Ultrasolar 50. I dare not call it sunscreen because it is so much more than a sunblock. Yes, it has UVA and UVB blocking ability and SPF 50! But it is also an amazing moisturizer! Owing to its micronized transparent formulation of zinc oxide (the same compound found in diaper rash creams), it feels like whipped butter and leaves my skin feeling luscious and well-hydrated, but never ever oily or sunscreen streaky.
I love Ultrasolar 50 in so many ways. I love that it doesn't irritate my sensitive skin - in fact it soothes it. I love it that it works - I tested it in 100 plus degree broiler called Phoenix summer. I love it that it doesn't have harmful ingredients (oxybenzone and paraben). The active ingredient, zinc oxide, is a source of zinc used to fortify foods, as well as a fantastic friend to skin.
Having had the pleasure of using Ultrasolar 50 daily on my skin, I can recommend Devita International products to any adult. ( I am still looking for children's sunscreen product. Have you come across a "safe" sunscreen for children? Do you have any recommendations?)
Check out Environmental Working Group's www.cosmeticsdatabase.com to see how your sunscreen and other personal care products measure up.
I used this while traveling to sunny places (Jamaica, Hawaii) while pregnant, and have just used this one on Emma, my 9 1/2 month baby, on my recent trip to LA, and was very happy with the product. It was easy to put on, leaving no residue on skin, and Emma had absolutely no reaction to it, just great sun protection!