This black bean soup was super easy to prepare and super tasty!

1/2 yellow onion, finely diced
4 stalks of celery, finely diced
1 large bunch of garlic greens, chopped
1 large bunch of cilantro leaves and stalks, chopped
3 medium potatoes, diced
2 12oz cans or equivalent of black beans, with cooking fluid
1/4 tsp cayenne
1/2 Tbsp cumin
1/2 Tbsp paprika
1/2 Tbsp achiote (optional)
juice of 1/2 lemon
4-6 cups of water or vegetable broth
olive oil
{Garlic greens in my home garden}
Coat the bottom of a stainless steel or ceramic soup pot with olive oil
Add cayenne, cumin, paprika, and achiote and let cook on medium-low for 2 minutes
Add onion and saute until golden brown
Add celery and saute until it wilts and softens, about 3-5 minutes
Add potatoes, cilantro, and most of the garlic greens (reserve a little bit for garnish) and saute about 3-5 more minutes
De-glaze with 1 cup of broth or water, scraping the brown bits at the bottom of the pot
Add black beans with cooking fluid
Add the rest of the broth or water
Let simmer covered on low heat for 45-60 minutes
Before serving add lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, and garnish with chopped garlic greens
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